Improvements in the security of your email for 2024

Improvements in the security of your email for 2024

In the previous blog, we discussed security measures for your email, but what about the current state of email security? How are tech giants like Google and Yahoo responding to these emerging threats?

In this article, we’ll delve into the latest trends and strategies big companies are adopting to ensure a safer email environment, and how cdmon is preparing for this momentous event.

Current State of Email Security

In the information era, where email has become an essential tool for communication and business, its security is paramount. However, this medium constantly faces new challenges in the form of cyber threats.

Cybercriminals have evolved their tactics, leading to an increase in email-based threats, such as phishing attacks, malware-laden attachments, and spoofed email addresses. These dangers pose a serious concern for both individuals and organizations, as a single security breach can have devastating consequences.

Recognizing the magnitude of this problem, Google and Yahoo have taken a proactive stance. Both companies, leaders in the email domain, are innovating and adapting their security systems to more effectively combat these threats. Their collaboration is a significant step, as together they are setting new standards and practices to enhance email security.

Google’s Advanced Security Measures

Google, known for its leadership in technological innovations, is preparing a series of key improvements in email security for Gmail, to be implemented in 2024. Among the main security measures Google plans to introduce are:

  • Advanced threat protection: This feature provides real-time scanning of email attachments and suspicious links, using machine learning algorithms to more effectively identify malicious and phishing emails.
  • Phishing and impersonation protection: The company will introduce enhanced mechanisms to more effectively detect and block phishing and identity impersonation attempts. These advances are crucial to reducing the risk of users falling victim to deceptive emails, a persistent problem in the email world.
  • End-to-end encryption: Google is also planning to implement end-to-end encryption in Gmail. This measure ensures that only the intended recipient can decrypt and read the email, adding another layer of security to sensitive communications.
  • Requirements for bulk email senders: If more than 5,000 messages are sent daily, they must provide facilities for users to unsubscribe from commercial emails with a click and surpass a strict spam rate threshold. These changes seek to protect users and improve the reliability of email.

These Google initiatives will not only improve email security for Gmail users, but also set a higher standard for the entire email industry.

Yahoo’s Security Initiatives

Yahoo, another key player in the email domain, is strengthening its commitment to user security through a series of key initiatives. These include:

  • Enhanced email authentication: Yahoo is placing special emphasis on reinforcing email authentication. This includes the rigorous implementation of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, which are fundamental to preventing identity impersonation and domain-based attacks.
  • Improved anti-phishing measures: Like Google, Yahoo is also investing in machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies to improve its ability to detect and block phishing emails. These technologies enable more efficient and precise analysis of email patterns, helping to identify and filter out fraudulent messages before they reach users.
  • Encrypted email storage: Yahoo is working on encrypted email storage, ensuring that users’ messages remain secure even if servers are compromised. This additional layer of security protects user privacy and data integrity.

Yahoo’s initiatives reflect not just a focus on threat prevention, but also on building a more resilient and secure email infrastructure.

Collaboration for a Safer Email Environment

In a commendable effort of cooperation, Google and Yahoo are working together on various security initiatives to strengthen email user protection. This collaboration between two of the largest email service providers is a significant step towards a safer and more reliable digital environment. Key areas of collaboration include:

  • Real-time threat data exchange: Google and Yahoo have established collaboration channels to share information about threats in real time. By sharing information, they can improve security not only on their own platforms but across the entire email ecosystem.
  • Cross-platform security: Furthermore, Google and Yahoo aim to extend their security measures to cover not only their respective platforms but also emails sent and received between Gmail and Yahoo Mail users. This means that the security measures implemented by one company will also protect users of the other, thus creating a safer and more unified email environment.

These initiatives benefit their own users and set a higher standard for email security industry-wide. With companies like Google and Yahoo at the forefront, we are seeing a more proactive and sophisticated approach in the fight against cybercrime related to email.

Impact on Users

The security measures announced by Google and Yahoo are intended to have a significant impact on the email user experience. These changes, while aimed at improving security, also involve adjustments in how users interact with their email services. Let’s see how these developments will affect users:

  • Greater protection against phishing and malware: With improvements in the detection and blocking of phishing and malware attacks, users can expect a safer email environment. This means a lower likelihood of falling victim to fraud and cyberattacks, which is especially important in a context where attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated.
  • Improved user experience: Effective implementation of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC helps significantly reduce the amount of spam and malicious emails users receive. This improves the user experience and reduces the risk of falling for scams or infecting devices with malware.
  • Information protection: Improvements in email security protect both users’ personal information and sensitive business data, reducing the risk of data breaches and information loss.
  • Potential inconveniences and necessary adjustments: These security measures may introduce some inconveniences, such as stricter authentication requirements and encryption procedures that might require a learning curve for some users.
  • Preparation for changes: Both individual users and organizations will need to prepare for these changes. This could include updating software, reviewing email account security settings, and educating themselves on the new features and how to use them effectively.

cdmon’s Preparation for 2024 Changes

With the upcoming changes announced by Google and Yahoo for 2024, cdmon is taking proactive steps to ensure our email services are fully prepared and updated. We understand the importance of adapting to these new regulations to ensure the continuity and effectiveness of our email service for our customers. Here’s how cdmon is preparing for this momentous event:

  • Rigorous implementation of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC: We are focusing on the implementation and optimization of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC protocols to ensure that all emails sent and received through our servers are effectively authenticated, thereby reducing the risk of identity impersonation and phishing attacks.
  • New email authentication feature: Starting in January 2024, cdmon will introduce a new tool that will allow our customers to assess and verify the correct configuration of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records in their email services’ DNS. This functionality is essential to ensure that emails sent from our servers comply with the new authentication standards and are not marked as spam or rejected by destination servers.
  • Record regularization campaign: From January 8 to 20, cdmon will conduct a campaign to regularize these records, which will be possible only with clients who have their DNS servers managed in cdmon. This initiative is crucial to help our clients smoothly adapt to the imminent changes and ensure that their email communications remain secure and reliable.
  • Continuous improvements: Additionally, we are working on various actions to fully comply with the requirements for the server in sending emails and their redirections, such as header protocols and ARC. These improvements are part of our ongoing commitment to the security and efficiency of our email services.
  • Focus on spam prevention: To maintain the prestige of cdmon‘s sending IP addresses, we are taking active measures to prevent spam. This benefits our direct clients and contributes to the overall health of the email ecosystem, aligning us with industry efforts to combat unwanted and malicious email.

We understand that these changes may generate questions or require specific adjustments. Therefore, our support team will be available to assist our customers at every step of the process.

Our goal is to ensure that our clients enjoy an email service that is not only compliant with the new regulations but also more secure and efficient.


Concluding this thorough analysis of email security, it’s clear we are navigating an era where protecting our digital communications is more crucial than ever. The discussions about SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and the initiatives of tech giants like Google and Yahoo have highlighted not only the current challenges but also effective strategies to address them.

For users and companies like cdmon, staying up-to-date with these technologies and practices is not just a recommendation, but a necessity. Adapting to the changes in 2024 and proactively implementing these security measures will be fundamental to ensuring the integrity and protection of our electronic communications.