Discover the advantages of PHP 8.3 at cdmon

Discover the advantages of PHP 8.3 at cdmon

Staying up-to-date with the latest versions of PHP is more than just a recommendation: it’s essential. Updating PHP not only means access to new features and improvements; it is also crucial for the security, performance, and compatibility of your website.

At cdmon, we understand the importance of this constant evolution and strive to offer the most advanced tools to our users. That’s why we are pleased to announce that PHP 8.3, the latest version of this popular programming language, is now available on cdmon.

This version promises improved performance and more efficient syntax, as well as significant improvements in security. PHP 8.3 represents a leap forward in web development, and at cdmon, we are ready to help you make that leap.

New Features and Benefits of PHP 8.3

PHP 8.3 is not just another update in the release series of this programming language; it represents a significant evolution in how developers can write and optimize code for the web. This version brings a series of improvements and changes that differentiate it from its predecessors and set a new standard in terms of efficiency, security, and coding clarity:

  • Syntax Improvements: PHP 8.3 simplifies certain common operations, making the code more intuitive and reducing the possibility of errors. It offers cleaner and more expressive syntax, allowing developers to write more readable and maintainable code.
  • Performance Optimization: Advances in the PHP engine allow for faster execution, reducing loading times, which translates into a better user experience on websites and applications.
  • Enhanced Security: This version introduces new features that reinforce the robustness of the code against common vulnerabilities, helping to better protect websites against attacks and vulnerabilities.

You can find more information about the improvements included in this version of PHP by visiting the official page:

What’s new in PHP 8.3

These improvements make life easier for developers and have a direct impact on the quality and performance of websites. Cleaner and more efficient code means faster, safer, and easier-to-maintain websites, which is essential in an increasingly competitive digital environment.

The Lifecycle of PHP

The lifecycle of PHP versions is a crucial aspect that every developer and website administrator must understand. Each version of PHP goes through a series of stages: initial release, active maintenance period, and finally, a period of only security updates, before reaching the end of its useful life.

With the release of PHP 8.3, it is important to note that PHP 8.0 has reached the end of its life cycle and will no longer receive updates. This means that any website still using PHP 8.0 could be exposed to security and compatibility risks in the future. On the other hand, PHP 8.1 has now entered the phase of only receiving security updates, indicating that its active life cycle is also coming to an end.

Updating to more recent versions of PHP is more than just an improvement in terms of features and performance; it’s a matter of security and efficiency. By keeping your website updated with the latest version of PHP, you ensure protection against known vulnerabilities and take advantage of continuous improvements in performance and efficiency.

At cdmon, we strongly recommend our users to update to PHP 8.3 to benefit from these improvements and protect their websites against possible security risks. The update ensures a faster and safer site and guarantees a better experience for your users and greater peace of mind for you as a developer or site owner.

How to Check Your Current Version and Update to PHP 8.3 in cdmon

Before proceeding with the update, it is essential to know what version of PHP you are currently using on your cdmon Hosting. To complete this, follow these simple steps:

  1. Access cdmon’s Control Panel: log in to your cdmon account and go to the Control Panel.
  2. Select your Hosting: in the Control Panel, locate and access Manage Hosting.
  3. Check the PHP configuration: at the top, you can see the PHP version of your Hosting, or you can access Configure PHP to view and modify this version.

If you are still using PHP 5 or 7, it’s time to update. Simply click on the change button, and a dropdown menu will open where you can select the version you want. If you experience any problems, this video will help guide you through the process.

If you decide to update, make sure you have an updated backup of your website before proceeding, and if you have the opportunity, perform the update in a testing environment. This will allow you to ensure that everything works correctly before applying the changes to your page.

Once you have updated, check the compatibility of your applications (such as WordPress, Joomla, or any other CMS). If any plugin or theme stops working, you are always in time to go back to the previous PHP version.

If you have any doubts or encounter problems, do not hesitate to consult experts. You can contact the cdmon support team for help and guidance.


Updating to PHP 8.3 is a step towards a more secure and efficient website. We invite you to explore all the new features and improvements that PHP 8.3 has to offer. At cdmon, we are committed to providing you with the tools and resources you need to make the most of these innovations.

If you decide to update your PHP version, it is also crucial to update your WordPress. Keep in mind that we offer a WordPress Consultancy service, available for €99 plus VAT. This service takes care of updating your CMS to the latest version, along with your themes and plugins. In addition, it will install security plugins and verify that your installation is compatible with SSL.